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The OMB Prehearing Conference - What Happened?

A good number of tenants attended the OMB prehearing conference for the development proposal for 100 Wellesley Street East. Thank you to all who attended. This shows strong concern amongst tenants.

The OMB hearing has been scheduled for March 16th to March 27th, 2020. As Chair of the Tenant Association Executive Committee, I will take part as a participant. This will allow me to make a statement about the proposed development from the perspective of a tenant. It is important that I represent the position of tenants in the hearing. We will be communicating with all interested tenants to learn your thoughts. More will be announced on how we will do this in early 2019.

Two more tenants will be participants in the hearing. These tenants will be directly impacted by the proposed construction. We are glad they are taking the time and effort to participate in the appeal.

The next step in the appeal process is a conference call on December 14th, 2018. This will work out the procedural order and issues list. We will listen in on the call, but it is only designed to work out administrative issues. In other words, we don't expect any news to come from this call for you.

There will likely be a few more parts of the process before the actual appeal hearing in March 2020. We will keep you up to date on any significant news. If you want to follow along on the OMB website, here is the link: The case number to enter is PL180243.

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